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The Beauty of Small Things: A St David’s Day Reflection

Writer's picture: Haulwen NicholasHaulwen Nicholas


Do the Little Things

A Reflection on St David’s Day and Living with Intention

I sit here, sipping my peppermint tea, the sun warming my skin, my cats curled up beside me. The sky is a perfect cerulean blue, and the world feels still. I take a breath, feeling the gratitude settle into my bones.

Tomorrow is St David’s Day, and one of the most famous quotes attributed to him is:"Gwnewch y pethau bychain" – Do the little things.

And so, I sit here, focusing on the small things.The taste of tea in my mouth.

The first green shoots pushing through the soil.

The birdsong drifting through the air.

The simple warmth of the sun.

The comfort of my cats, always by my side.

It’s in these small things that life’s true magic resides.

Remembering to See the Magic

I’ve always been someone who notices magic in the everyday. Even when I worked in corporate jobs, I made a point of it. Each year, I used to give my team little diaries and tell them: “Write down one thing that makes you smile each day.”

Most of them thought I was a little mad. But I knew how important it was.

When I commuted to work, I would take notice—the donkeys in the field, the kestrels perched on the telephone wires, the way the morning mist curled over the hills. These tiny moments kept me connected to something greater than the daily grind.

But so many people rush through life without pausing to notice.

They wake up, rush to work or school, come home, tidy, eat, slump in front of the TV, sleep, repeat. They are doing, but not living.

No time to pause and reconnect with their authentic selves.

No time to listen to their intuition.

No time to notice the beauty around them.

No time to do what truly replenishes them.

No time to dream.

Choosing a Different Way

So I remind myself, and you, to slow down.

To take time for gratitude and growth.

To let go of what doesn’t serve us.

To notice when we’re simply following societal expectations rather than our true desires.

To consume less and live more.

Life is too short not to.

So today, take a moment.

Do the little things.

Notice the sky. Feel the warmth of your tea. Listen to the birdsong. Let yourself daydream.

Because in those small things, life truly begins.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to hear what small things bring you joy. Comment below or share this post with someone who needs a reminder to slow down and notice the magic.



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